TestFlask Mocking and testing made simple

TestFlask API

TestFlask.API is a REST API that serves TestFlask ready services behind the scenes to create, update, load scenario and step data. It is powered by a NoSQL (mongoDB) database.

Currently there is no cloud version of TestFlask.API, so you need to host your own API for your services. Source code is available on TestFlask github project. Just clone the repo, open up TestFlask solution and inside there is the TestFlask.API project. Configure it with your own mongodb instance, a desired port and you are ready to host.

Configuration for mongoDB is as follows

    <add key="testFlaskMongoDbServer" value="mongodb://localhost" />
    <add key="testFlaskMongoDbName" value="test" />

There is no security built-in to TestFlask.API at the moment, however if requested or heavily needed it is a considerable feature.

Not only the TestFlask ready services talk to the API, but also TestFlask Manager connects to the API to manage projects and scenarios. TestFlask API is designed in a way to work as a multi-tenant way so that it may host many unrelated projects if you want to use it inside the company for different teams.